Arachis pintoi


Arachis pintoi Flower
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)

Arachis pintoi 
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)

Arachis pintoi Flower
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)

Arachis Pintoi

Regnum           : Plantae – Plants
Subregnum      Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Divisio             : Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Classis             : Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclassis        : Rosidae
Ordo                Fabales
Familia            : Fabaceae – Pea family
Genus              : Arachis L. – peanut
Species            : Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W.C. Greg.

Arachis pintoi is a annual herbs and it's common for ornamental plant. Growth with stolon, a special slender horizontal branch serving to propagate the organism. In botany a stolon also called a runner is a slender stem that grows horizontally along the ground, giving rise to roots and aerial (vertical) branches at specialized points called nodes. The flower is yellow appealing and it's bloom entire life about 49-65 flowers. After pollinated, gynophore would growth and burrowed about 7 cm in soil and growth become legum and seed (Maswar, 2004).

The distribution spread in tropical area and sub-tropical also. Generally occurs under low (open) forest native vegetation.

Refers to Indonesia Soil Research Agency, Arachis pintoi have a lot of benefit for instance to control land erosion, in west Lampung agriculture it was work at least the number of erosion decrease at least 11-80%. Others function are to bioremediation, weed and nematode controling, and animal feed (Maswar, 2004).

Location: Taman Bareti UPI

Please cite this article as:
Azis, A. M. (2019). UPI Seed Plants: Arachis pintoi. Online at 


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