Saraca declinata (Jack) Miq.

Saraca declinata Tree
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)

Inflorences of Saraca declinata 
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)

Inflorences of Saraca declinata 
(Hidayat & Abdurrahman, 2017)

Regnum           : Plantae – Plants
Subregnum      : Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Divisio             : Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Classis             : Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclassis        : Rosidae
Ordo                : Fabales
Familia            : Fabaceae – Pea family
Genus              : Saraca
Species            : Saraca declinata  (Jack) Miq.

Tree to 10-29 m tall and 10(-60) cm in diameter, sometimes treelet 3-6 m tall and buttresses very small. The distribution in tropical area especially in Asia. In Indonesia called Ki dedes. 

Leaves (l-)3-5(-7)-jugate, subsessile to shortly petioled; petiole and rachis (4.5-)8.5-56 cm long.

Inflorescences yellow colored and up to 15(-30) cm wide, slightly pubescent or subglabrous, main branches (l-)7-10(-30) cm long, up to c. 3 mm in diam.; bracts usually smaller than the bracteoles, ovate or obovate, 3-12 by 1.5-7 mm, persistent or caducous, puberulous or minutely ciliate on the margin; bracteoles broadly elliptic, ovate, or sometimes obovate, 4-19 by 3-10 mm, glabrous or minutely ciliate on the margin, persistent, sometimes deciduous; pedicels 10 — 15( — 35) mm, the length between bracteoles and flower 3-6 mm. Flowers yellow, orange, pink, pinkish red, fragrant, articulated near the base, puberulous outside. Stamens (3 or) 4 (or 5); filaments 16-38 mm, glabrous; anthers ellipsoid or oblong, c. 0.7 mm long; staminodes absent. Seeds ovoid- oblong, c. 4 by 2 cm, and c. 7 mm thick.

Saraca declinata have medical function and ornamental plant. 

Location : UPI Gymnasium

Please cite this article as:

Azis, A. M. (2019). UPI Seed Plants: Saraca declinata  (Jack) Miq. Online at Accessed (Date)


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